Risk Factors for Cancer. How to deal with cancer cases in children

Risk Factors for Cancer. How to deal with cancer cases in children

Risk Factors for Cancer Did you know that a person’s age, lifestyle,environment, genetic makeup, and family history can increase the likelihood of developing cancer? 

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Advancing age is the most important risk factor for cancer.The median age at diagnosis for all cancers combined is 66 years, and one-fourth of new diagnoses are in people ages 65 to 74. Many risk factors are related to a person’s lifestyle or overall health.

Excess body weight contributes to one in five cancer-related deaths in the world. Obesity increases the risk of breast, colorectal, and other types of cancer. Carcinogens are substances that cause cancer by damaging DNA.One common example of a carcinogen is tobacco,a proven cause of cancer. A person can be exposed to tobacco by smoking cigarettes,cigars, or cigarillos, or by using snuff or chewing tobacco.They can also be exposed by inhaling tobacco smoke from smokers nearby. This is called secondhand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke.As depicted on the screen, smoking accounts for at least three out of ten cancer deaths in the U.S. Tobacco is most infamously associated with lung cancer,but it also causes throat, stomach, pancreatic, and many other cancers.

Drinking alcohol increases the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx, liver,colon, and breast.The more a person drinks,the more likely they are to develop cancer.The risk is even higher for those who drink alcohol and also use tobacco.

Environmental and chemical carcinogens are responsible for up to 19 percent of cancer cases.Individuals may be involuntarily exposed to carcinogens if they work in certain mining, welding, agricultural, manufacturing,printing, or painting industries in which they are exposed to substances such as those shown here.Exposure to these substances may lead to many types of cancer,including lung and bladder cancers and leukemia.

Natural and artificial UV rays from the sun or tanning beds can increase the risk of developing skin cancers, including melanoma, basal cell skin cancer,and squamous cell skin cancer. Some viruses, such as Human Papilloma viruses, Hepatitis BVirus, Hepatitis C Virus, and several others can increase your risk of cancer either by damaging DNA,causing chronic inflammation, or weakening the immune system.It’s important to be aware of your risk factors,even those you can’t prevent.For example, inherited genetic mutations play a major role in 5 to 10 percent of cancers.

In breast and ovarian cancers, certain mutations in the BRCA1and BRCA2 genes are well-known risk factors.Genetic tests can tell whether a person has one or more of the inherited mutations that are known to increase cancer risk. However, not everyone who inherits the mutation will develop cancer.Talk with your doctor about genetic testing if you think you may have inherited a mutation that increases your cancer risk.You can also ask about prevention and testing related to HPV, Hepatitis B and C, HIV, and other infections.

To reduce your overall cancer risk, maintain a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise, protect your skin from the sun and don’t use tanning beds, don’t smoke or use other tobacco products, and limit alcohol intake.

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what is cancer in the same way that a building is constructed from bricks and stones cells are the building blocks of every living being the human body is made from millions of cells groups of cells combined together to make organs and a group of organs make and run the human body.
the genetic code or the DNA of each cell guides cell division in our body the DNA is the set of instructions that tell the cell what to do and how to do it it is like the software of a computer the cells in our body are constantly dividing to form new cells in order to replace the old cells and for the body to grow normally one cell divides a certain number of times and then it dies and is naturally replaced this process is very controlled sometimes because of a defective genetic code an abnormal cell is created this abnormal cell divides without control and does not function normally these abnormal cells are called cancerous cells when cancerous cells invade an organ it stops functioning properly because the human body is made up of different organs which are all interconnected when one organ does not function normally it affects the functioning of the entire body primary cancer is where the cancer starts if some of the cancer cells break away from the primary cancer site and spread by entering the bloodstream or the lymphatic system and settle in another part of the body this cancer is called a secondary cancer or metastatic cancer the causes of cancer in adults cancer can be attributed to certain factors for example smoking causes lung cancer and chewing tobacco causes oral cancer

cancer can also be caused by exposure to certain chemicals used in manufacturing or carcinogens such as radioactive materials we do not know the cause of cancer in children because the organs in a child's body grow rapidly there is a greater chance of the multiplication of defective cells and this may lead to cancer cancer can affect any part of the child's body children who have cancer should work in play with normal children

cancer is not infectious and does not spread by person-to-person contact it does not spread by touching sitting with sharing food or working together with someone who has cancer

how many types of cancer are there there are two types of cancers blood cancer and solid tumors blood cancer leukemia is one type of blood cancer where the white blood cells in the bone marrow divide very quickly the bone marrow gets so clogged with unhealthy blood cells that there is no room for healthy blood cells to grow the other type of blood cancer is called lymphoma where the white blood cells in the lymph nodes divide very quickly solid tumors in this the cancerous cells clumped together and form a lump which is called a tumor tumors can grow in any part of the body and tend to destroy the surrounding healthy organs sometimes tumors are non cancerous or benign meaning they are homeless malignant or cancerous tumors can be dangerous and need to be treated

How to deal with cancer cases in children

how do you treat cancer the type of treatment used depends on the type of cancer the child
has every Charles treatment is different and is decided upon by the doctor surgery is used for the removal of malignant solid tumors a doctor physically removes the tumor and surrounding tissue via an operation in chemotherapy medical drugs are given to the child orally by injection or intravenously this medicine travels through the bloodstream and destroys cancerous cells in radiation therapy high-energy invisible rays from a machine are used to destroy cancer cells in a particular area of the body please ask your doctor's advice before trying any other treatment than what is prescribed these alternative treatments can be dangerous for your child 

how to deal with cancer when your child is diagnosed with cancer the most important thing is to remain hopeful and positive be normal do not discuss the child's illness and your worries all the time this pass is on the anxiety to the child conducting your day-to-day activities normally will bring stability to the child's life talk if the child is old enough to understand it is good to tell the child about the illness and that the treatment will make him better let the child ask questions if you need to talk or simply need reassurance please talk to the doctors or our trained counselors do not hide your anxiety keep the mind active encourage the child to use the free time to read sing draw play games and solve puzzles all this will keep the child's brain stimulated and active keep the body active if the child is feeling well let the child play outdoors in a clean crowd and dust free environment and get some fresh air be flexible during treatment on some days the child will not feel well and may not want to eat offer and encourage small frequent meals that the child likes allow the child to rest or play and take a break from routine activities show affection it shows the child that you care children need reassurance when faced with new and difficult situations pray and sing often it helps to maintain positive energy and release stress if you pray or sing together as a family stay in touch continue to keep in touch with the rest of the family especially other children back home they need your time to remain hopeful it is a very difficult time when your child is diagnosed with cancer but the good news is that if detected early and treated appropriately childhood cancer has a high rate of cure after the onset of treatment if your child is cancer-free for five years then the possibility of the cancer recurring Israel after cancer treatment children can lead a normal life and can study and work once they are adults they can marry any children you will be happy to know that after treatment millions of children are free from cancer and leading normal life.
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