Tyent alkaline water ionizer testimonial in hyderabad alkaline water mac...

This is a testimonial video of Mr D V Rao industrialist and director VSP industries kukatpally hyderabad. He has been using Tyent alkaline water ionizer for more than a year. he is very much happy satisfied.

In his words he says he has benefited from tyent ionized alkaline water in many ways. It keeps his colon and excretory track clean and healthy. His constipation issue vanished. he drinks 1 or 2 litres with empty stomach in the morning. He stays most of the day energised, relaxed. Mr DV rao says tyent alkaline water is very good with detoxification.

he says though there are many brands out in india with schemes and plans ( he did not use the word kangen water) he preferred only tyent because of its world wide reputation and local after sales support by medilight health care in hyderabad.

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